Sunday, October 17, 2010

Almost Done and Ready!

Hey there everyone.

Well Rogue Sorcerer and I are almost done. We have a good amount of content for you wizards out there for balance. Hope you all like it when we're done.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I'm everywhere!

Hey Wizards!

Just Saying hi.

I'll helping with posts that we're in the making of.

Till next, Cya later wizards!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Taking over

Hello everyone. Well my friend Robert DragonHeart aka Rogue Sorcerer is letting me take over his blog sage of balance!

I will be learning the way of the spiral and can't wait to meet you all. Rogue will also be making post to help me learn the game and to meet friends.

Well so long till later. BYE!!!!